Ethan James Green
The New York-based photographer Ethan James Green has made his name with a body of work that
captures the personal and essential beauty of his subjects.
Tell us how you found out you had been chosen to shoot the 2025 Pirelli Cal™?
I got called on my birthday. I was turning 34, very uneventful, and it was like an unexpected present that gave me a reason to celebrate. So, it was the perfect day for it to happen. Being asked to shoot the Pirelli Calendar wasn't something I expected at this point in my career. I've enjoyed other milestones: my first book, my first Vogue cover. But this felt like a new level of achievement and a stamp of approval.
How did you come up with the Refresh and Reveal concept?
Our concept of beauty has expanded so much from what it used to be. If we stand behind this expansion, then it needs to be captured in the classic form that it was in the past because that's what's going to last.