
Chris Lee

Pirelli Calendar 2020 - Chris Lee - Casting Photo

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Pirelli Calendar 2020 - Chris Lee - Casting Photo

Costume photo


Paolo Do you ever take time to look at the stars?
Chris I do stare, quite often, at the starry skies. Because I have tendency to let my imagination go free and wild. Under the starry sky, the world seems infinite; it leads me to set loose or wipe off the boundaries of my imagination. That’s why in my music, the starry sky has been more or less a consistent element in the lyrics. That’s a world I would love to live in. Once I was in the Sahara Desert. It was all quiet, total silence, with nobody else but the sky just above me, so close as if I could touch it. It was really impressive—when I looked up at the sky with all those stars, I had a heart-quake. All that reminds me of beauty, right? I think music is beauty, a starry sky is beauty, so is the sea...
Paolo What is love for you?
Chris Love is... To me... A very firm belief.
Paolo Could you sing your favourite love song?
Chris This song of mine goes way back... And it’s just a small piece—a bagatelle. I’m still in love with its melody, and the lyrics. I have always found it beautiful, because it relates to the memory of a first love, and the wishful thinking of always loving that way. So, I’ll just sing a small passage.
She sings
Chris “Only wishing that I could love you like the very first time, the way you loved me.”
Paolo What do you feel when you’re singing?
Chris In private, I’m all quiet, an introvert—even shy. Some may even say kind of autistic. However, as soon as I step on a stage I become someone else. I get possessed. When I sing, when I perform, I split into various selves. These selves sometimes surprise my true self, as they exceed me. How I enjoy that!